Package: GLMsData 1.4

GLMsData: Generalized Linear Model Data Sets

Data sets from the book Generalized Linear Models with Examples in R by Dunn and Smyth.

Authors:Peter K. Dunn [cre,aut], Gordon K. Smyth [aut]

GLMsData.pdf |GLMsData.html
GLMsData/json (API)

# Install 'GLMsData' in R:
install.packages('GLMsData', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • AIS - Australian Institute of Sports (AIS) data
  • ants - Ants species richness
  • apprentice - Apprentice migration to Edinburgh
  • babblers - Feeding rates of babblers
  • belection - British election candidates
  • blocks - Blocks stacked by children
  • boric - Dead embryos after exposure to boric acid
  • breakdown - Dialetric breakdown data
  • bttstudy - The South African Birth to Ten (BTT) study
  • budworm - Insecticide doses and tobacco budworm
  • butterfat - Butterfat and dairy cattle
  • ccancer - Canadian cancers
  • ceo - CEO salaries
  • cervical - Deaths from cervical cancer
  • cheese - Tasting cheese
  • cins - Canadian car insurance data
  • crawl - The age at which babies start to crawl
  • cyclones - Cyclones near Australia
  • danishlc - Danish lung cancer
  • dental - Decayed, missing and filled teeth
  • deposit - Insecticides
  • downs - Downs Syndrome cases in British Columbia
  • dwomen - Depression and children
  • dyouth - Depression in adolescents
  • earinf - Ear infections in swimmers
  • emeraldaug - August monthly rainfall in Emerald
  • energy - Energy expenditure
  • failures - Failures of electronic equipment
  • feedrates - Feeding rates of birds
  • fineroot - The root length density of apple trees
  • fishfood - Food consumption for fish
  • flathead - Tiger flathead from trawls
  • flowers - The average number of meadowfoam flowers
  • fluoro - The time of fluoroscopy and total radiation
  • galapagos - Gal\'apagos Island species data
  • germ - Germination of seeds
  • germBin - Germination of seeds
  • gestation - Gestation time
  • gforces - G-induced loss of consciousness
  • gopher - Clutch sizes of Gopher tortoises
  • gpsleep - Sleep times for guinea pigs
  • grazing - Bird abundance in grazing areas
  • hcrabs - Males attached to female horseshoe crabs
  • heatcap - Heat capacity of hydrobromic acid
  • humanfat - Human age and fatness
  • janka - Janka hardness
  • kstones - Treating kidney stones
  • lactation - Lactation of dairy cows
  • leafblotch - Percentage leaf area of leaf blotch
  • leukwbc - Leukaemia survival times
  • lime - Small-leaved lime trees
  • lungcap - Lung capacity and smoking in youth
  • mammary - Adult mammary stem cells
  • mandible - Mandible length and gestational age
  • manuka - Manuka honey and wound healing
  • motorins - Swedish third-party car insurance
  • motorins1 - Swedish third-party car insurance
  • mutagen - Mutagenicity assay
  • mutantfreq - Cell mutant frequencies in children
  • nambeware - Nambeware products
  • nhospital - Naval hospital maintenance
  • nitrogen - Soil nitrogen
  • nminer - Noisy miner abundance
  • paper - The tensile strength of paper
  • perm - Permeability of building materials
  • phosphorus - Soil phosphorus
  • pock - Pock counts
  • poison - Survival times of animals
  • polyps - The number of polyps and suldinac
  • polythene - Cosmetic company use of polythene
  • punting - Football punting
  • quilpie - Total July rainfall at Quilpie
  • ratliver - Drugs present in rat livers
  • rootstock - Rootstock data
  • rrates - Oxidation rate of benzene
  • rtrout - Weights of rainbow trout
  • ruminant - Energy in ruminant's diets
  • satiswt - Satisfaction with weight in youth
  • sdrink - Soft drink delivery times
  • seabirds - Counts of seabirds
  • serum - Mice surviving doses of antipneumococcus serum
  • setting - Heat evolved by setting cement
  • sharpener - Sharpener data
  • sheep - The daily energy requirements for wethers
  • shuttles - O-rings on the space shuttles
  • teenconcerns - Concerns of teenagers
  • toothbrush - Effectiveness of toothbrushes
  • toxo - Toxoplasmosis and rainfall
  • triangle - Artificial data from triangles
  • trout - The effect of potassium cyanate on trout eggs
  • turbines - Fissures in turbine wheels
  • urinationD - Urination time
  • urinationL - Urethral length
  • wacancer - Cancer in Western Australia
  • wheatrain - Annual rainfall in the NSW wheat belt
  • windmill - Power generation by windmills
  • wwomen - Smoking and survival
  • yieldden - Yield of onions at various densities


This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

0 exports 0.00 score 0 dependencies 216 scripts 1.4k downloads

Last updated 2 years agofrom:adf1378701. Checks:OK: 3 NOTE: 4. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKSep 02 2024
R-4.5-winNOTESep 02 2024
R-4.5-linuxNOTESep 02 2024
R-4.4-winNOTESep 02 2024
R-4.4-macNOTESep 02 2024
R-4.3-winOKSep 02 2024
R-4.3-macOKSep 02 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Australian Institute of Sports (AIS) dataAIS
Ants species richnessants
Apprentice migration to Edinburghapprentice
Feeding rates of babblersbabblers
British election candidatesbelection
Blocks stacked by childrenblocks
Dead embryos after exposure to boric acidboric
Dialetric breakdown databreakdown
The South African Birth to Ten (BTT) studybttstudy
Insecticide doses and tobacco budwormbudworm
Butterfat and dairy cattlebutterfat
Canadian cancersccancer
CEO salariesceo
Deaths from cervical cancercervical
Tasting cheesecheese
Canadian car insurance datacins
The age at which babies start to crawlcrawl
Cyclones near Australiacyclones
Danish lung cancerdanishlc
Decayed, missing and filled teethdental
Downs Syndrome cases in British Columbiadowns
Depression and childrendwomen
Depression in adolescentsdyouth
Ear infections in swimmersearinf
August monthly rainfall in Emeraldemeraldaug
Energy expenditureenergy
Failures of electronic equipmentfailures
Feeding rates of birdsfeedrates
The root length density of apple treesfineroot
Food consumption for fishfishfood
Tiger flathead from trawlsflathead
The average number of meadowfoam flowersflowers
The time of fluoroscopy and total radiationfluoro
Gal\'apagos Island species datagalapagos
Germination of seedsgerm
Germination of seedsgermBin
Gestation timegestation
G-induced loss of consciousnessgforces
Clutch sizes of Gopher tortoisesgopher
Sleep times for guinea pigsgpsleep
Bird abundance in grazing areasgrazing
Males attached to female horseshoe crabshcrabs
Heat capacity of hydrobromic acidheatcap
Human age and fatnesshumanfat
Janka hardnessjanka
Treating kidney stoneskstones
Lactation of dairy cowslactation
Percentage leaf area of leaf blotchleafblotch
Leukaemia survival timesleukwbc
Small-leaved lime treeslime
Lung capacity and smoking in youthlungcap
Adult mammary stem cellsmammary
Mandible length and gestational agemandible
Manuka honey and wound healingmanuka
Swedish third-party car insurancemotorins motorins1
Mutagenicity assaymutagen
Cell mutant frequencies in childrenmutantfreq
Nambeware productsnambeware
Naval hospital maintenancenhospital
Soil nitrogennitrogen
Noisy miner abundancenminer
The tensile strength of paperpaper
Permeability of building materialsperm
Soil phosphorusphosphorus
Pock countspock
Survival times of animalspoison
The number of polyps and suldinacpolyps
Cosmetic company use of polythenepolythene
Football puntingpunting
Total July rainfall at Quilpiequilpie
Drugs present in rat liversratliver
Rootstock datarootstock
Oxidation rate of benzenerrates
Weights of rainbow troutrtrout
Energy in ruminant's dietsruminant
Satisfaction with weight in youthsatiswt
Soft drink delivery timessdrink
Counts of seabirdsseabirds
Mice surviving doses of antipneumococcus serumserum
Heat evolved by setting cementsetting
Sharpener datasharpener
The daily energy requirements for wetherssheep
O-rings on the space shuttlesshuttles
Concerns of teenagersteenconcerns
Effectiveness of toothbrushestoothbrush
Toxoplasmosis and rainfalltoxo
Artificial data from trianglestriangle
The effect of potassium cyanate on trout eggstrout
Fissures in turbine wheelsturbines
Urination timeurinationD
Urethral lengthurinationL
Cancer in Western Australiawacancer
Annual rainfall in the NSW wheat beltwheatrain
Power generation by windmillswindmill
Smoking and survivalwwomen
Yield of onions at various densitiesyieldden